Irreversible Entanglements (USA)
Tue, 2021/11/09
Domed hall
We are very pleased to be able to reopen our house and hold events in these still challenging times. So that it stays that way and to protect you and us and together to help contain the infection with the corona virus, we take the protection and hygiene requirements very seriously and ask you to do the same.
> We recommend purchasing tickets in advance. All data registered online or on site are stored for four weeks for contact tracking and then destroyed.
> To attend the event, proof of a daily negative test, complete vaccination protection (the last vaccination must be 14 days ago) or your recovery (within the last 6 months) is required.
> Mouth and nose protection in the form of a medical or FFP2 mask must be worn in all areas (this can be removed at the seat during the event), keep your distance from other people at all times, and wash your hands regularly and extensively or to disinfect and only sneeze or cough into the crook of your arm.
Camae Ayewa - voice
Keir Neuringer - saxophone
Aquiles Navarro - trumpet
Luke Stewart - bass
Tcheser Holmes - drums